DC Installations and Energy Distribution: A New Paradigm
7 March 2013
A "Green Deal" initiative for the test project "DC Haarlemmermeer," was set up by a few corporate companies with the support of the government.
In the generation, storage and use of electrical energy, the share of direct current applications (DC) increases sharply. Initiatives to use DC power distribution systems and DC installations for these DC applications is starting to take shape. Application of DC in electric installations for energy supply has a number of advantages, but also some specific problems. The approach which is used in that pilot project gives solutions to some of these problems, but requires a fundamentally different approach on "electrical safety".
And this draws the attention to standardization. The existing standards for safety of electrical installations for both low voltage and high voltage are not applicable one on one within the approach which underlies the "Green Deal".
Through an interactive meeting, NEN brings the partners of the "Green Deal" project "DC Haarlemmermeer" in touch with a number of experts from the world of standardization and other interested parties. The focus is on safety of electrical installations (low and "middle" voltage). Besides a glimpse into some of the backgrounds at this meeting (why DC, what initiatives are there more, ...) there will be give in particular an introduction about this new approach to electrical safety in DC installations, and, in this context, the current state of the (international) standardization world will be given a look.
Subsequently, we invite you in an interactive discussion to think about what kind of standardization could strengthen the "Green Deal" initiative. The afternoon will be concluded with refreshments and networking opportunities.
Interactive Meeting and Debate with NEN: Electrical Installations Revisited
This meeting will take place on:
Thursday March 7
13.30 – 16.30 hr
NEN building, Vlinderweg 6 in Delft.
I would like to invite you to participate in this meeting. You can register for this before 15 February by emailing to: rianne.boek@nen.nl. Due to the interactive discussion, the maximum number of participants is limited. This meeting is free of charge.
For more information, please contact Johan van Velthoven, consultant "electrical installations", tel: (015) 2690337 or email: johan.vanvelthoven@nen.nl.
The kick-off meeting was a success!
The Green Deal works. First direct result: DC is a new paradigm! We hereby thank the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
The Green Deal Team on DC (fltr): Maus Dieleman (Agentschap NL), Jan Langedijk (Siemens), Tim Zijderveld (Joulz), Esther van der Ende (Economic Affairs), Eric ten Elshof (Economic Affairs), and Harry Stokman (Direct Current ).
The meeting at the NEN where we unfolded our plans on the DC standard:
During the presentation we explained our method that first we have looked at what is good for DC, and, as a second step, we will look at how everything fits within the standards. Where existing standards do not meet DC, a work group within the NEN will adjust and realize these standards, so that we can work towards a clear result in order to utilize DC grids in a user environment in a safe and reliable way.